Monday, January 31, 2011


I came to a startling conclusion today that may cause me to rethink my entire philosophy on life. I've been operating under the belief that a great percentage of the population is just plain dense, which you might realize, is a nice word for stupid. Mind you, I'm not actually calling them limited in a mental capacity, I'm simply referring to their possession of an element of common sense. Today, as I was responding to an e-mail...saying the same thing for quite possibly the fourth time, it occur ed to me....Most people aren't stupid...they are LAZY!

It's all a giant conspiracy. It's not that people don't know how to do things. No one can honestly be that stupid. You can't possibly explain something five and six times to one person and not at some point get through to them....unless of course they don't want to get it! Ahhhh...comes the dawn.

You see, it's all clear to me now. People don't want to learn, because if they learn, they will be expected to do...and after all, isn't it easier to feign ignorance and have someone else do it for you?????? Sure, they'll call you stupid, but how stupid can you be, when you're sitting at your desk at your school, while I'm pulling records and faxing them, while calling school districts because I can't get a simple instruction across to you??????? Evil genius maybe?

The same applies to men (not all men....but all large majority). My father (God love him) claimed for the longest time that he didn't know how to operate the dryer. You understand, I showed him, I talked him through it, I had him do it with me helping him, and yet he still claimed he just couldn't get it. When I finally had enough, I took a red Sharpie and drew on the dryer. Giant red lines of pure rage now decorate our dryer panel, but now he knows how to work the dryer. Funny thing though....he can wash clothes now too...without the red sharpie. You see, he always knew how, but it was so much easier to say he didn't. You see where I'm going with this. They all know how....Don't be fooled.


  1. The last paragraph cracked me up. Seriously just laughed out loud. The red marker, priceless. So true too. And it's always the laundry. My thing is folding the laundry because, "I don't know how to fold my t-shirts the way you do and I really like them folded that way."-Eddie. Really??? haha keep your posts coming.

  2. Hi! :) I finally decided a blog was much cheaper than therapy, so I decided to try this route. It's truly amazing how resourceful men can be when they are trying to avoid work.

    Glad you're enjoying it. :)
