Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Back in the Swing of Things

Going back to work after a two week break is never easy, and to be honest, I didn't expect it to be. When I woke up Monday morning, I knew I would feel as if I had been hit like a truck. I did not disappoint myself. Unfortunately, I failed to take into account one thing.....the morning after.

If I thought getting up Monday was rough, today was something I can't even describe. I literally would have thrown myself on the floor and wailed if I thought it would have done any good. It was a truly horrifying experience...especially for those poor individuals that have to work with me.

The days have been tedious and slow, but certainly not uneventful. By the time the end of the day finally arrives I barely have the energy to change clothes and make it to the couch. I was nice (or stupid) enough to get Daddy a Wii for Christmas and I hooked it up the TV in the living room. For the last week or so, I've been treated to Netflix streaming of Gunsmoke movies nonstop. I can't even stop being annoyed at home.

I got home today, primed and ready to put myself in a better mood. I banished my father from the house, turned on the TV, and quickly flipped the channel to find something lighthearted...just in time to come across that charming advertisement for the ASPCA. Seriously????? If you know me at all, you'll know that while I may not always be the most sensitive person towards people, I absolutely adore animals. I spent a full time minutes sniffling and whimpering over a COMMERCIAL! Cleo and Rocky think I'm insane as well since I also pulled them both into smothering hugs. Rocky still won't come out from under the chair (not that it's necessarily a bad thing). Cleo, on the other hand, just kind of cuts her eyes at me as if to ask, "You OK?" Nope..not really.

1 comment:

  1. Sherri...I am so glad that you started a blog. I love, love, love your writing style. You are too funny!!!! I must agree that today was pretty hard. Maybe that means that tomorrow will be better! :) Beth
