Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year

My Grandaddy Hoyt used to say, "What you do on New Years Day, you'll do all year long." I have to admit, I was pretty safe given my alarming lack of activity today. The sum total of my physical activity today included putting biscuits in the oven (the frozen kind...don't get excited) and heating ham to go in them. I thought about doing laundry, but that is about as far into that process as I got.

I've decided that doing any sort of physical activity is particularly unappealing to me because I have to return to work on Monday. Don't misunderstand me, I'm very thankful to have a job, and as jobs go, I rather like the one I have, but I dislike the fact that it is somewhere I have to get up and go every day. I believe if I could go in when I woke up, wearing my pajamas, I'd be much more content with this burden. As it stands, I suppose I'll continue being forced into this conformity.

A lot of people make resolutions on this day, and I really should make some of my own. There are plenty of things I could do to better myself. I could resolve to eat healthier, exercise more, and spend more time doing constructive things with my spare time, but that would just lead to breaking resolutions which hardly seems like a worthwhile activity.

Come Monday many of us will be returning to work. Sorry to those of you that have had to return before now, and I don't even want to hear from those of you that don't have to return yet or at all.....One more night to stay up more morning to wake up without an alarm. How long til Spring Break?

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