Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Catching Up...

So it's been a while since I've posted. Here's a brief overview of my life the last few months:

1) I've developed yet another medical issue. It all started in the middle of the night when I was seriously contemplating the amputation of my big toe. When I hobbled into work the next morning, and explained the situation, I was given all sorts of possible solutions. Most people were convinced I'd injured it somehow yet there were a few that thought it was gout. One dear friend remarked, "It can't be gout...only old men get gout." Good news guys, that rumor can be put to rest....twenty-something year old females also get gout. Lucky me. :)

2) Frightening development in my life...while I was in the doctor's office waiting on them to diagnose my toe issue, I was filling out paperwork. When I had to fill out my age, it occurred to me that I couldn't remember how old I was. When does that happen exactly? When you can't remember for sure if you're 27 or 28 or maybe 29. It's sad that I don't even keep track. It's even sadder that doing the math in my head was incredibly difficult.

3) Working full time, trying to keep a house running, and being a full time student stinks! I always liked school and I still enjoy the classes, but this whole working full time and coming home to the other job of being a student is tougher than I planned. Before you say it, I know that I'll be so glad I did it once it's done. I'm just not thrilled with the process at the moment.

4) I think I might have a serious addiction to technology. I don't quite know when it happened. It is indeed a rare occurrence to find me without my Kindle/Ipod/Ipad/Droid/Computer with me. It's a scary state of affairs when someone as anti-social as myself has become this connected to the world.

5) A few quotes I've found recently that I quite enjoyed.... Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. -Mark Twain There are no stupid questions. There are a lot of inquisitive idiots. Sometimes the first screw that comes loose is the one that holds the tongue firmly in place.

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