Saturday, October 22, 2011

The World of Work

Yesterday was a rough day....a really rough day. It wasn't necessarily that anything particularly out of the ordinary happened, but I was in a particularly out of the ordinary funk. I was ill from the moment I woke up. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the height of snippiness (or another word that I'm sure you can imagine), I was probably an 11...maybe even a 12.

Most days I don't dislike the work that I do. For the most part I get to enter data, manage spreadsheets, key payroll, and update folders. It's all pretty standard and I like it that way. I do interact with people on some level but and it is enough to make me feel like I am still part of the world without being overwhelming.

I don't dread coming to work. I've had jobs that I've dreaded and I'm so incredibly grateful that this is not one of those. Yesterday was just one of those days in which things began to build. I think it started with the e-mails....the ones where people asked questions that they wouldn't have needed to ask if they had simply read the first e-mail I sent. It probably continued with the meeting that was held next door in which about twenty people were batting around concerns and ideas which greatly impacted my ability to concentrate and it was topped off by a series of events towards the end of the day that taxed my patience to no end. I don't have a lot of patience and by the end of they day, I'd even exhausted my emergency supply!

When I got home yesterday afternoon, I realized something. I really, really like the people I work with. If I didn't, I'd probably go crazy, but I do. I walked out yeterday after a horrible day laughing with a good friend. No matter how bad things are, the people around me can laugh with me about it. They are some of the most compassionate people I've ever met and they always make me laugh. Whether it's a simply glance during they day to convey our mutual frustration or a conversation at lunch, I am continually blessed by these people and how much I enjoy spending time with them. They understand and that's important....and I guess in the dark cloud that was yesterday, that's the silver lining.

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