Monday, October 3, 2011


This one jumps around quite a bit....but it's been that kind of day. :)

I can be a little critical at times. Catch your breath...I know...that's a shocking statement for those of you that thought you knew me so well. The truth is, I'd really like to be more optimistic about the state of society, but I am a realist and quite frankly society kind of scares me. There's a whole lot of barely functioning human beings out there and some that shouldn't be out there at all. Having said that, I've been thinking about a few things that would make the world (or at least my world) a better place.

It goes without saying that world peace, ending world hunger, and ceasing oppression of all groups of people in all forms would do a whole lot to help the world, but that's not exactly what I have in mind. I'm talking about the day to day stuff...the stuff that just gets under your skin....the stuff that makes you want to grab a yard stick and...well, you get the idea.

1) Make common sense more common. Whatever happened to common sense? It seems to have taken a permanent vacation and it's not just certain segments of's everywhere. People have simply stopped thinking. They no longer require themselves to think logically or rationally. It is as if they have decided that making an educated, reasonable decision is simply too much trouble, so to heck with it...let's just act stupid! Quite frankly, I'm a lot more understanding of someone that is truly ignorant that I am of someone that chooses to remain in a state of stupidity.

2) If you ask a question, keep your mouth shut long enough for someone to answer you. Very little irritates me (and I'm sure others) more than to have someone ask you a question and then interrupt you two and three times before you can get the answer out. If you wanted to run your mouth, why didn't you run it before you asked me the question. This is in the same vein as the next part of this complaint. If you already know what you are going to do, don't bother asking me a question. I have no interest in wasting my breath informing you of an opinion only to have you inform me that you're going to completely disregard everything I just said and do it your way.

3) Do not double dip. It is gross and it is becoming an epidemic. Several recent group gatherings have convinced me that table manners have been sorely neglected in our society. If you have a community dip, and you feel the need to dip your chip more than once, the correct process involves breaking the chip up into smaller pieces prior to dipping...not double dipping. I do not want to share your germs or your spit.

4) Respect personal space. There are people that are huggers...something about hugging makes them feel all warm and fuzzy inside. God bless them. I am not one of those people. I hug people at holidays, when it will offend them if I don't, and any other time I am forced by social conventions to do so. Otherwise, I would appreciate it if you kept affection to yourself. It's nothing personal...I just don't feel the need to express my feelings for you in a way that involves smelling your shampoo.

5) Advice is appreciated when it is asked for...when it's not...not so much. I am 29 years old. I am unmarried and childless. My life is not incomplete. I do not live in a state of constant depression because I am looking for my other half. I am fine. I would be open to the idea of getting married and having children some day, but if it doesn't happen, I am ok with that. I could do without ever hearing another person ask me, "So, when are you gonna move out and get married?" or "Don't you want to have any kids? How old are you now?" My personal favorite is still "You just don't want to end up old and alone." Well, that's it then...I'll just get married so I won't grow up and be old and alone. That sounds like the foundation for a perfect marriage to me.

I think what the world needs most of all is a little more appreciation for differences in all aspects of life. Everyone doesn't need to be a cookie cutter of everyone else. Not everyone needs to be married. Not everyone is cut out to have a college degree. We need people to be cashiers, waiters, secretaries, etc. These are perfectly honorable occupations and we need to stop drilling the merits of college into student's heads. Sure, college is great. I'm going back myself. It can open up a world of opportunity and lots more money, but it can also put you in tons of debt and it doesn't guarantee you a job.

I believe that certain beliefs are important and the little stuff isn't so important. I believe that denominations are killing faith. People get so wrapped up in whether you go to this church or that church and whether you are Baptist or Methodist or Church of God that they forget the big picture. I think it's about God and believing and accepting Him.

People need to stop worrying so much about what experts say and start doing what they think is right and what works for them. You can spend your whole life not eating microwave popcorn and throwing out your cell phone because of this study and that study. You can stop feeding your children red dye and you can never eat another hot dog and tomorrow it can all be over. I understand not purposely endangering yourself, but living in fear of all these different diseases because some "expert" said it's bad is crazy.

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