Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Grandparent's America

@toridykes:" My president is black, my senator is a lesbian and my congressman is gay. This is not your grandparents' America, and I'm ok with that." If you know me at all, and if you're reading this blog I assume you do, you know that I don't hold my tongue well. I typically do not involve myself in political discussions for that very reason. Things can get ugly fast. Today though, after reading the quoted tweet above, I simply could not stand to sit by and say nothing. I should first note that I wouldn't care if Barack Obama was purple if I thought he was a good for our country. I wasn't thrilled with either of our choices this go round, so I take issue with the comments about being too racist to support Obama. I also take issue with the fact that individuals feel led to inform me that a vote for Romney meant that I didn't care about human rights or women's rights. So in response to Tori Dyke's clever tweet, I have a few comments of my own. Unfortunately they are surpassing the 140 character mark at the moment. You're absolutely right. This isn't our Grandparent's America. My grandparents were good, honest people that made decisions based on morality, decency, and truth. My grandparents believed in God and the Bible and used those beliefs to guide them throughout their lives. My grandparents lived in a very different time. Our country made mistakes. People were mistreated--horribly, but they learned their lessons and moved forward. They knew the value of hard work and money. They didn't want people to give them anything. They wanted to earn it. They wanted to deserve it. My Grandparents believed that, as a country, we were founded on Christian beliefs. They prayed at home and in schools and they taught their children to do the same. A lot has changed since my Grandparent's America. We just made a choice between a Muslim president and a Morman candidate. When did that happen? When did it become okay in our society for a Christian candidate to not be on the ticket? When people were interviewed on the network coverage many were asked who they voted for and why. Over and over again Obama's stance on social issues was praised. Pro-choice, for same sex marriage, pro-gay rights. These are the views of the man who is leading our nation? One has to wonder what God is thinking right now. Regardless of my opinion, I will support Obama. He is our President and I will pray he leads us well. But, for the record, No--this isn't my Grandparents America, and I'm not okay with that.